Furano is not just a purpose built resort with great skiing it is a Japanese town with its own character. The beautiful surrounding mountain range is known as the roof of Hokkaido, Furano at its centre as the Navel. It has city govenrment offices and a distinct economy, Winter and summer tourism and primary produce are the mainstays.The short walk or shuttle into town take you to bars and restaurants that have had the same owners for years and are frequented by locals as well as tourists. Take it for granted that pride in local produce is reflected in local cuisine.
Located in the geographical centre of Hokkaido (the exact centre Latitude 36degrees 20' North Longitude 142degrees 20 East is marked by a plaque at Furano primary school), means big temperature variations from night to day and ensures the 8 metres of snow a season keeps its dry powder consistency. It also means a greater number of clear days to ski and board. Furano's 950 metre vertical drop has assured it a place on the world ski and board calenders and Furano has hosted the the FIS World Cup Meets on many occassions. Furano also has easy access to the resorts of Kamui, Asahidake and Tomamu. Ask about transfers to these resorts when you are in Furano. The surrounding mountain range includes the live - but fortunately not too active - volcano Tokachidake.
Besides great skiing, Furano can be a chance to connect to part of the 'kokoro' - heart or spirit of the town. A big effort is made to provide weekly cultural events - and this is not all serious, the performances of Hokkai Heso Matsuri - literally North Sea Belly Button festival are a hoot. The Resort areas of Furano and Kitanomine are a short free shuttle bus ride to the centre of town in the evening, and many bars and restaurants are walking distance to your accommodation. A cab fare is not much more than flagfall for the short drop off if really late on return.
Furano is the proud home to the Goto Sumio Art gallery http://www.gotosumiomuseum.com/lang_el/index.html. Living national treasure is one way to describe Goto Sumio and his work. Make sure to go upstairs and look at some of the materials, and the remarkable extent to which Goto Sumio goes to replicate the real colour of scenes he represents. Some The whole wall montages are simply spectacular. The gallery itself is world standard, and a short distance about 20 minutes from the ski fields on a shuttle bus.
Check the Tours'n'Stuff to see some of the activities that are available in the village. Activities include Back Country Tours, trips to nearby resorts, even hot air ballooning (Furano is not typically windy.) A trip to some of the surrounding volcanic hot springs to soak up the views as well as soak out the knotted muscles. For the timid Onsen - hot springs are indoor as well as outdoor.
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